Acting with the heart has a price and we have to face it

"No, really: I don't believe it." Santa Massiel Rueda Moreno leans back on the sofa in her office, a small place with a sign on the door that identifies her role as provincial president of the Saíz Brothers Association (AHS by its Spanish initials) in Ciego de Ávila.

For some time, this 33-year-old girl, curly and abundant hair (so plentiful that she collects it in a gigantic bun, with African style, which has ended up identifying her), has become visible in the cultural sector in Ciego de Ávila.

She can be seen in debates and meetings of organizations, sitting at the entrance of a theater, surrounded by artists or, guitar in hand, with the group Motivos Personales, which she currently integrates with Claudia Aurora Benítez Castro.

There is also an atmosphere of trust around her. It is not only in her actions, because she usually walks around laughing, but in the confidence with which the young creators talk about her.

«Every time they told me: “They nominated you there”. “Hey, we proposed you here." Moreover, I would reply: “Okay, no problem”. However, I never imagined that one day the I would receive the message that I was really nominated, and even less that I would stand in front of the Municipal Assembly of Popular Power of Venezuela to hear my biography and what people thought of me.

Forbidden word

Santa Massiel graduated from the old school for art instructors Manuel Suárez Delgado (Ceballos Siete) specializing in music.

"There, we graduated with comprehensive training," she says. We play various musical instruments; we have knowledge of ensemble conducting and mastery of various subjects, including Humanities”.

In 2011, she entered AHS. Sometime later, she was elected head of the Music section, then elected Vice President and later, Provincial President.

—You never saw yourself as President?

—No, I didn`t.

Not even running after the students...


And is it easy to be president?

—No, it is not easy! Because you have to put aside your personal projects for the work and the projects of all.

But you have not been left alone in office. You keep acting.

—Yes, but it's not the same. It is no longer the same time to listen to music, compose, study. Perhaps the problem is mine, that I have not known how to dose the responsibilities well.

—"Aren't you frustrated?"

—Not frustrated; but I do wish it was different.

—"Why don't you feel frustrated?"

—Because I do not like the word frustration. I do not admit it. In the end, with less time to compose, when I do something it gives me great satisfaction.Seven heads in one

—How to be a leader in the culture sector, which is so passionate, with so many criteria and so given to controversy?

—"Am I a leader?" Wow, I don't even believe that.

You assure that not; but when you say one thing, people follow you.

—“Oh, yes. Look, no one has taught me to direct. What has been done is through collective work based on sensitivity, believing in others and in their work; for the attachment of listening to everyone, knowing what must be done and trying to combine heart, reason and justice. In the end, I try to listen to everyone and understand everyone.

—"Have you caused yourself a lot of trouble?"

—Yes of course. Even with artists. There is always someone who disagrees with you, and at all levels. But that is the price of what I was telling you right now: directing and acting with the heart, reason and justice.

«Sometimes they tell me: “How do you support this project, if it is so difficult?” So I say: “You don't like it, maybe I don't either; but we have to support it. They are their dreams and what they are doing is good.

«In this world of directing, the dynamics of the Association play a lot. I don't have a head. I have seven: my two vice presidents and my section chiefs. From there I take and say: this is the way».

The public speaks

As the saying goes: breed comes to the greyhound. Massiel's father is a composer, singer and sonero. His name is Justo Emilio Rueda Bravo and he was the vocalist of the Aragón orchestra. Her paternal grandfather, Pablo Rueda, was a rumba singer, and Massiel's son, Samuel Cabrera Rueda, studies music at the Elementary School of Art.

«At home, since I was little I have been around music. My parents were always listening to something. That is where the interest comes from. In my music lists there is everything: trova, Las D'Aida, Ibrahim Ferrer, Celeste Mendoza, Ignacio Piñeyro; the Aragón orchestras, Original de Manzanillo, Rubalcaba, Rumba Habana, Sierra Maestra... and even reggaeton, why not?».

What relationship can this nomination have in your life as an artist? What can it give you?

—Well, look at it from the part of the public. When I was introduced to the assembly, the artist's side appeared. One acts, but does not see people. She doesn't interact with everyone. At that moment, a woman stood up and said: “Yes, I know her. She performed in such a place."

They knew me from the crossings of the Trail. That's when I woke up and thought: yes, I have ties to this territory.

"I am going to tell you something. I cannot locate myself yet. With the route of the candidates I started something; but I still can't find myself."

—"Place yourself in what?"

—As far as I'm concerned; where I am and what is coming. I tell you to locate me because the tours have not been touristy. We went to student, economic, and health centers and we talked with culture workers. There was a very nice meeting: an exchange with the current deputy and with the others that Venezuela has had.

«They took great pains to share their experiences with us, to clarify what you should continue, what they started... and that is very interesting because they spoke with an incredible feeling. I liked that.

Look, one of them even met Nicolás Guillén when he was a deputy and she told me about her conversations with him. Look what one learned!"

—"How can you be useful in Parliament?"

—"Boy, when I see myself there I'll tell you." No, seriously: I think that I will be useful to the extent that I am the spokesperson for a reality; that of all those people that nobody knows, but they are very important to our society. I think I will be useful convincing from my experience of culture. I still don't know how, but I'll try.

—"Still asking for trouble?"

—Why not?

Yes, because the greater the responsibility, the greater the problems.

—Well, if it's for the best... There's always a personal reason that can become a collective one. I do believe in that slogan out there. They repeat it so much that people sometimes get tired. They say that something better is possible and I do believe that the best can be made possible.

—"One question: when are you leaving AHS?"


—"Yes, when are you leaving?"

—Never. (Smile). I will never leave AHS.