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    Writers from Ciego de Ávila that were awarded at the Book Fair are recognized

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    Eight writers recently awarded in national literary contests were recognized during the closing of the Thirty-first Book Fair in Ciego de Ávila.

    This transpired at the provincial headquarters of Uneac, the artistic scene of the Book Fair of the Cuban publishing movement with the presentation of the Música Abierta project, by musician Juan Carlos Corcho Vergara.

    Heriberto Machado and Leidy Vidal received recognition for the Eliseo Diego Award, while Jorge Luis Gutiérrez (Gufer) deserved it for his award in the national gloss contest Canto alrededor del punto.

    Eduardo Pino, David Molina, Leo Buquet and Yasmani Rodríguez Alfaro also obtained recognition for their results in national poetry contests such as the Luis Regelio Nogueras, the Caimán Barbudo, on July 26 and the Calendar of the Hermanos Saíz Association.