All times of Viviana

For Viviana Martínez Cárdenas, the days usually start very early and end when the next day almost begins. Her mobile phone can ring so much that not even she herself dares to estimate how many times in a day she answers it.

The truly strange thing would be if it were not like that, if we are talking about someone who has managed to catch up with a rhythm of life, where "Vivi, the delegate", "the president", "the aunt" that the smallest of the family demand, and now, the candidate for deputy to the National Assembly of People's Power —for the Ciego de Ávila municipality—, coincide in perfect harmony.

Perhaps, thirty years ago, when she was receiving her degree in architecture, she could not even imagine half of the responsibilities that she has added along the way, the same ones that have led her to direct from a project on the other side of the tollbooth to a company, or has given classes to the boys of the university. A walk that has had plenty of blows from life, but has not lacked the will to move on, and in which "doing for others" has been the maxim that is here to stay.

The residents of constituency No.13 of the Centro Ciudad Popular Council, in the main municipality, know this well, who, in the most recent elections of the delegates to the Municipal Assemblies of People's Power, said "Vivi has to continue with us." In addition, the trust, born since 2014, when she was appointed as a delegate for the first time, has only grown in so many years, in which, on her shoulders, they have also borne the weight of the problems of an entire community that she has been able to count on with her at the wrong time.

From the water that does not fall, the distribution of basic necessities, to the concern for the young man who drops out of school, everything has found ears and, on several occasions, answers, in a house whose doors have always been open. This is how it has been, and it will be, he assures, because “the delegate becomes a confessor of the neighborhood. Our work cannot be just one day that you have attention to the population. The delegate is approached at any time and for any situation”.

Dedication has been the key to taking professional work to the right measure without neglecting the constituency, which, “although it is difficult to achieve, especially when one feels that what they are doing is for the common good of all. People see in you who can solve the problem, and that is a gratification”.

The joy would not be very different when, in December of last year, the 124 delegates from the provincial capital elected her as president of the Municipal Assembly of Popular Power, and she ended up being impressed, because "I did not think that everyone could have that level of recognition for my work as a delegate". A recognition that came hand in hand with a much greater commitment than before and that turned the daily routine completely upside down. "From the moment you assume this responsibility there is no day, there is hour. The town's problems are perennial there."

If with "a shorter time each day" he ends up managing to comply with everything (s), it has also been thanks to a family that has given support without making any reservations. Nothing would be the same without them, which is why she cannot forgive herself for going to bed without first going to see her little nephews, who miss her as much as she does to be able to share more moments with her loved ones.

It was that dedication and that commitment to make those who stood out in the plenary sessions of the mass organizations that proposed her as a candidate for deputy to the National Assembly of People's Power, in its X Legislature. However, if she is elected on the 26th, this will not be the first time she has taken a seat in Parliament, given that in the VIII Legislature, she took the feelings of those of this land to the highest legislative body.

Not for this reason, she is surprised by the confidence that the candidates for deputies have found in the places they have arrived these days, from a dialogue where, along with the problems that are not lacking in any community, has come to light, in the same way, the certainty of “those who feel, and believe, that we will know how to represent them”.

Although on March 26 the polls will have the last word, Viviana has internalized for a long time that without this link little can be achieved, because "to reach the people, you have to feel like a people and this implies knowing what they want, what they need and what you feel. That is what a true deputy does”.