Accelerate sugar harvest in order to cut backlogs in Ciego de Ávila

"The cane is here today and time is giving us the chance to grind, now we have the decisive effort of 60 days in which we must use all the available resources, plus the incentive of the men to make the volumes of sugar committed," he said to the press Eduardo Larrosa Vázquez, director of coordination and technical supervision of Azcuba Sugar Group in Ciego de Ávila, about the imperative to reduce lost time as much as possible.

At this time, there is no room for delay, especially when the provincial sweet grain plan of around 55,000 tons (t) to date produced more than 28,000 t, which adds more tension to workers in the sector before the Start of Spring.

The delay due to the shutdowns of the Ciro Redondo factory, the current and longest-lasting one caused by one of the frequency shots of the National Electro-energy System at the beginning of February that caused the breakage of the protections of the boilers of the nearby bioelectric plant (its energy center), it has caused a debt to the Ciego de Ávila crude plan of almost 17,000 t, in which this mill accumulates just over 14,000 t manufactured.

In the morning hours of this Thursday, the synchronization of the two boilers of the renewable energy plant was forecast to give vitality to the plant, with a view to the Colossus of the Center starting a process of cleaning the pipes and pans of the cooked mass that it had in preparation at the time of the aforementioned operational interruption.

If everything goes well in the industrial chain between the factory and the bioelectric plant in Ciro Redondo, the cutting forces will be reactivated in the Enrique Varona and Ciro Redondo Agro-industrial Sugar Companies (which includes areas in the municipality of Venezuela) that pay the raw material to the most modern sugar factory in the country.

The objective is to resume sugar production in the Ciro Redondo factory this weekend, and from then on, it will be required to produce at a rate of 400 tons per day in order to comply with its plan until May 15.

Larrosa Vázquez commented that approximately 2,000 t remain for the Ecuador refinery company to fulfill its plan, which should materialize at the end of March or beginning of April.

For its part, the Primero de Enero factory has made more than 3,800 tons despite not having a plan, figures that contribute to minimize the amounts of sugar left to be made in the colossus of Ciro Redondo.

The main authorities of the province emphasize avoiding fires in the sugarcane fields, checking in a different way from the fulfillment of the daily task, with specific responsibilities in the harvest of raw material and for each shift of the plants, in order to guarantee a better rush performance.