Ministry of Domestic Trade announces breakdown of groups of ten or more consumers

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The Ministry of Internal Commerce (Mincin) informs today that the nuclei made up of ten or more consumers will be able to make a breakdown, with the aim of facilitating access to the products of the regulated family basket and other controlled ones.

According to a note from the agency, published today on its website, the process will begin on April 3 for those families that agree to carry out the division, since it is not mandatory.

The nuclei that are broken down maintain the same right to consume the domestic fuel of the original nucleus, the Mincin specifies.

For the sale of the controlled products of the Cimex and Caribe Stores chains, the dates of the incorporations will be established in each territory.

The communication indicates that the nuclei made up of between ten and 14 consumers may constitute another, in addition to the existing one; while those that are made up of 15 to 19 people have the option of forming two more nuclei.

In the case of cores with 20 or more consumers, they may constitute up to four cores, in addition to the existing one.

The Mincin highlights that this provision meets the will of the Cuban Government to address the problems of the population and its approaches, and benefits 187,633 people who are currently included in 16,573 nuclei with ten or more consumers.

For more information, those interested can go to the Office of the Consumer Registry (Oficoda) in their area, contact by email ‎This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., the website, and the telephone 80022624, concludes the note.