It is perfectible, but our

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Perfectible, pero nuestra

A little more and we agree with our detractors: Cuban democracy is not perfect. It can be improved. It would be necessary to see if it is, the one that is exercised in other parts of the planet.

One vote, one country accuses ours of not having several competing political parties, as if the real concept of that word, which I have already repeated, has been prostituted true.

Because if in truth, according to the dictionary, Democracy is like saying Government of the people, then, apparently, the millions of hungry people in the world do not know how to govern. Or could it be that they do not really govern?

These are times in which it seems that by saying: “I live in a democracy”, the highest degree of freedom is already reached. This affirmation is not enough for the poor — who are already something like a third of the globe — illiterate or sick with almost no medical attention. They urge another democracy.

However, this Sunday, while Cubans attend the meeting, a large part of the world's "free press" will describe our elections as false and insinuate that the model of democracy based on money and power is the ideal path.

Cubans will have the option today to select among the 470 names that came out of the candidacy commissions at the national, provincial and municipal levels made up of representatives of the unions, mass, student and social organizations, who issued their proposals in 948 plenary meetings from the grassroots to the nation.

It will not be fortunes or promises that will lead voters to choose this one or discard that one. None of those who appear on the ballots have the desire to make a political career, but they do serve their own.

That is why now, while I deposit my ballot in the ballot box, I confirm that it is true, our democracy is perfectible, only that it should never copy that model proposed by those who want to seem like the "inventors" of the word, which by the way should be a flag and no excuse to handcuff the dispossessed of this world.