National elections: 75.92 % of the electoral roll voted, according to preliminary results

Alina Balseiro, president of the National Electoral Council (CEN) of Cuba, informed the press of the preliminary results of the 2023 national election process, held this Sunday, March 26.

The day began with a basic part of 8,120,072 voters, of which 6,164,876 exercised their right to vote, 75.92% of the electoral roll.

Of the ballots issued, 90% were valid and 72% of the voters voted for all the proposed candidates. The 470 nominees were elected deputies to the National Assembly of People's Power, the country's highest legislative body.

Of the total ballots deposited in the ballot box, 90.28% were valid.Blank were 6.22% of the total, and cancelled, 3.50%

Of the total valid votes cast, 72.10% were votes for all, and 27.90%, selective votes.