Comprehensive rehabilitation service shows its worth in Ciego de Ávila

The implementation of the Comprehensive Rehabilitation Health program in Cuba with more than 15 years ago demonstrates its value in Ciego de Ávila by promoting assistance to an increasingly aged population that suffers from different ailments.

This service has 18 rooms in the primary care areas of the 10 municipalities of the province and one in each of the 3 hospitals: the Antonio Luaces Iraola and the Nguyen Van Troi psychiatric hospital, both in the capital city of Ciego de Ávila, as well as at the Roberto Rodríguez Hernández, in Morón.

Having rooms of this type in the three, care centers guarantees that those who suffered, for example, hip fractures and cerebral infarcts, rejoin society more quickly, Mariela Martínez Dalmau, head of the section, informed the Cuban News Agency of Rehabilitation in Provincial Health.

She added that this immediate attention is very important and that it must continue after hospital discharge in a sustained manner in the places of residence.

Martínez Dalmau also specified that there are two extensions of this benefit, one in the town of Tamarindo, in Florencia; and another in the Pedro Ballester Popular Council, in Primero de Enero, where a large number of patients come because they are far from the municipal capitals.

The work of 31 medical specialists in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 443 Physiotherapy graduates and technicians, 56 podiatrists, 35 speech therapists, 26 occupational therapists, 24 defectologists, eight graduates in Physical Culture and 17 in Nutrition, allows the province to show 88.7 percent effective in the recovery of the afflicted, said the doctor.

This percentage exceeds that proposed by the Ministry of Health in Cuba, which is 85, which is an incentive for these personnel to continue improving the service, which seeks to cure patients of different ailments and reincorporate them into daily routines, Martínez Dalmau said.

Currently, eight specialists in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation are being trained in the province and a new registration of graduates in Physiotherapy for the coming academic year has been requested from the Ministry of Education.

In 2022, 49,069 outpatient consultations were carried out in primary care and another 1,314 in the three hospitals, with around 482,518 treatments.

For the daughters of Cándida Trujillo Ramírez, who suffers from senile dementia, the treatment and professionalism of those who work in the rehabilitation room of the municipality of Majagua is excellent.Although we know that our mother's disease has no cure, it is comforting to see her more active and with better mobility inside the house after receiving heat and exercise sessions, the descendants of Candida added.