Final results of national elections in Cuba announced

6 164 876 Cubans attended the polls last Sunday, March 26, who attest to the transparency and adherence to the truth of these elections, Alina Balseiro Gutiérrez, president of the National Electoral Council (CEN) said this Thursday.

In a press conference offered at the International Press Center, the official clarified that this participation figure represents 75.87 percent of the total registered in the updated register of 8 129 321 voters.

Balseiro Gutiérrez explained that more than 9 000 citizens who went to the authorized sites without being incorporated in the previous records were added to the basic part of the start of the day, and they had to be included at the time, a fact that has a slight decrease in the preliminary percentage of 75.92 previously reported.

She specified that as a result of the democratic exercise, the 470 candidates for deputies to the National Assembly of People's Power (Parliament) were elected, receiving in all cases more than the majority of valid votes cast as a requirement established by Cuban law.

Regarding the proportion of the votes, she noted that 5 565 640 (90.28 percent) were valid; 383,000 blank (6.22 percent), and 215,000 annulled (3.50 percent), while 4 012,864 Cubans opted for the single vote (72.10 percent) and the remaining 1 552 776 did for the selective vote (27.90 percent).

According to her considerations, these data demonstrate the quality of the process and the support of the people for their representatives, as favorable support prevails for all candidates without ruling out selective voting as an option for voters, which ratifies the principles of voting in the Greater of the Antilles, characterized by being free, equal, direct and secret.

She added that during the development of the date, information was disclosed through various means of communication in a systematic, public and truthful manner; as well as the carrying out of a transparent scrutiny, witnessed by the mass organizations and citizens present in the schools at closing time.

The future members of the X Legislature encompass various sectors of society, with a greater presence of Popular Power and Government officials (25.11 percent), General and Higher Education workers (10.85 percent), producers of food, agriculture, sugar, cooperative members and peasants (10.65 percent), Health and the Medical Pharmaceutical Industry (8.94 percent) and political leaders (6.17 percent), among others.

Taking into account the planned design, Cuba would have one deputy for every 30,000 inhabitants, with at least two representatives for each municipality.

Among the elected representatives, 226 are women (55.74 percent), 93 are young people under 35 (19.79 percent) and 167 current deputies (35.53 percent), numbers that show the renewal among the ranks of the highest body legislation of the Island, the leading role and empowerment of women, and the preponderant role of the new generations in building a better country.

The fulfillment of this express popular will will culminate with the constitution of the Parliament of the Caribbean nation, the election of its leadership, which will work in unison at the head of the Council of State, other members of this body, and the President and Vice President of the Republic of Cuba, next April 19.