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    Piña Colada celebrates its 20th anniversary

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    With Rumbávila Fusión and Arnaldo and his talisman, the twentieth edition of the Piña Colada began this Friday in the Máximo Gómez Báez square in Ciego de Ávila.

    Prior to the central activities of the popular event, the inaugural parade took place from “La Avenida de la Locution” to the central Martí park, while the Superparranda delighted the public at the Patio de Artex Cultural Complex, while this Saturday Vania Borges and her guests will act.

    In the Máximo Gómez Báez square, after 10:00 o`clock at night, Buena Fe, Karamba, the duo Iris, Annie Garcés, Wena Onda and Toques de Río will be there.

    Extensions are also planned for this Saturday at the City Park fairgrounds, in the town of Ceballos, at the Alfredo Gutiérrez Lugones Popular Council, at the Maternity Home, at the Iriondo Theater, at Uneac, at the Children's House without family protection, in the José Sirio Inda Hernández House of Culture and in the House of the Young Creator of the Saíz Brothers Association.