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    Piña Colada recognizes the musical legacy of César Alberti

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    Reconoce Piña Colada legado musical de César Alberti

    With an intervention by the Banda de Boyeros, the musical legacy of César Alberti was recognized on Tuesday in front of his own house, now owned by his daughter Edilia Alberti Hernández.

    There, most of their descendants and the residents of the neighborhood enjoyed the virtuosity of the young band, in which its instrumentalists evolve on stage with organic choreographies.

    Germán Jones Pedroso, Provincial Director of Culture, explained to the residents the reason for the homage, since on November 18 César Alberti would be 100 years old.

    The musicologist Roberto Bullón emphasized the contributions to the Ciego de Ávila culture of the prominent musician, as well as his revolutionary status, while Musicávila delivered a gift in the name of Piña Colada.

    The Banda de Boyeros recognized the musical legacy of César Alberti with two anthological songs: first, with Los muñecos by Ignacio Cervantes and finally, the classic In the Mood, by conductor Alton Glenn Miller.