Deputies propose candidates for the highest leadership of the country in Ciego de Ávila

This Wednesday, in an exercise that further strengthens our democracy and under the provisions of the Electoral Law, the 23 deputies elected on March 26 in Ciego de Ávila submitted to the National Candidacy Commission (CCN) their proposals for who they consider meet the conditions to hold the leadership positions of the National Assembly of People's Power, which coincide with those of the Council of State, as well as for President and Vice President of the Republic of Cuba.

These proposals, which will help shape the candidacy projects to be presented on April 19, when the X Legislature of the highest government body is constituted, also include the 18 remaining members of the Council of State. In the same way, on this occasion, the deputies have the responsibility of designating, at the request of the president, the members of the Council of Ministers, criteria that were also met during the consultation.

Two members of the CCN came to the province to facilitate the exchange and collect, personally and in writing, each of the proposals, in an individual and anonymous act that, according to Consuelo Baeza Martín, president of the CCN, in interview in the television magazine Buenos Días, aims to be a transparent, democratic and, above all, participatory process.

At the meeting, the representatives of the Commission insisted on the functions and attributions that each body has, as established by law, in addition to the requirements established to be able to perform in these positions, which should have been taken into account when choosing between the 470 deputies on equal terms.

Reina Torres Pérez, deputy elected by the municipality of Florencia, told Invasor that this is a moment that demonstrates the transparency of our sociopolitical process, as it is an expression of the citizen's right to be able to designate the highest leadership of the State and Government. Likewise, it constitutes one more step that consolidates the Cuban revolutionary project, as genuine evidence of popular power.

As Baeza Martín explained, once these proposals are presented to the new Assembly, they may be modified because, if they are not approved, "the CCN has the possibility of making other proposals and then presenting them to the deputies, for later, by direct vote and secret, as established, submit it for consideration.”

From last April 3 and until the coming Sunday, this exercise takes place throughout the country with the 470 deputies, which 64 percent of them face for the first time, being newly elected.