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    This Tuesday, UNE estimates that 450 MW will be affected during the night peak

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    The Electric Power Company (UNE in its Spanish initials) estimates for the night peak hour of this Tuesday, April 11, an availability of 2,270 MW and a maximum demand of 2,650 MW, with a deficit of 380 MW, so if the forecasts are maintained, an affectation is expected of 450 MW at this time.

    UNE estima afectación de 450 MW durante pico nocturno de este martes

    The availability of the SEN at 7 a.m. is 2,000 MW and the demand is 2,060 MW, with 74 MW affected since 6:15 a.m. It is estimated that there will be disruptions to the service due to a deficit in generation capacity during the day with a maximum of 300 MW.

    Unit 5 of the Mariel thermoelectric plant and unit 2 of Felton are out of service due to a breakdown. The Unit 3 of Santa Cruz, the Guiteras unit, the 4 one of Cienfuegos, the 6 of Diez de Octubre and the 4 and 6 of Renté are under maintenance.

    The limitations in thermal generation are 398 MW.

    In distributed generation, 916 MW are not available due to breakdown and 89 MW due to maintenance.

    For the peak, the completion of unit 3 of the Cienfuegos thermoelectric plant is estimated, with 100 MW, and the recovery of 170 MW of distributed generation engines.

    This Monday, the service was affected by a deficit in generation capacity during peak hours from 4:50 p.m. until 00:06 a.m. from today.

    The maximum impact at night was 384 MW, at 7:50 a.m., coinciding with the peak hour.