Foster Home receives donation in Ciego de Ávila

Regarding Victory Week, workers from the Cuban Fund for Cultural Assets in Ciego de Ávila donated pencils, books, colors, preserves, soft drinks, cake and other sweets to the children and adolescents of the Home for Minors without Family Protection in the city Headboard.

Yaneiky Barrera Guardarrama, director of that company in this province, explained that each year, for the start of the school year, they guarantee the shelters in that house, among other items, shoes, backpacks and study material.

The leader added that crafts workers and artists designed the areas of the center according to the ages of the children, and have also contributed with beds and sheets, while this time they wanted to spend a pleasant time with them.

Between smiles and games, the little Génesis and Melany Salet thanked such a beautiful gesture and the day full of love and joy, during which they enjoyed together with the other boys, with whom they form a family.

For her part, Niurka Jiménez, deputy director of the Foster Home in Ciego de Ávila, expresses her gratitude for those present and informed that they currently have five children between the ages of 11 and 16 in their care, who participate in various activities prepared for school break week.