Construction work continues at the Ciego de Ávila hospital

With 34 construction objects in the middle of the construction process and around eight waiting to start, the Doctor Antonio Luaces Iraola Provincial General Teaching Hospital continues to accelerate the pace of repair and maintenance actions that have been carried out there since last year, with the sponsorship of companies and entities of the territory.

In this way, we have witnessed a before and after in the infrastructural conditions of various spaces of said institution, among them, the Guard Corps with its consultation rooms and premises, and the Pediatric Surgery, Gastroenterology and Cardiology rooms; while others such as the Microbiology Laboratory, the Adult Intensive Care Unit, the Obstetric Unit, Postpartum and Perinatal Care have required more time and effort to fine-tune.

That is where the analysis of the highest authorities of the province began, headed by Liván Izquierdo Alonso, Member of the Central Committee of the Party and its first secretary in the province, and Governor Tomás Alexis Martín, who recognized that "this is a priority task and to guarantee its sustainability, it is necessary to go back over and over again on the details and achieve quality in the finish”.

With the same emphasis, they checked the causes for which insufficient progress has been made in the Oncology service, the Sterile Center, Curettage, General Surgery, Pregnant B, Room D and Nutritional Recovery, where the deficit of certain inputs has delayed the work, above all, what is related to sanitary games for bathrooms and hydraulic connections. To this was added the demand for companies such as Cupet, Etecsa and Metal Mechanic Company Indalecio Montejo, who failed to comply with part of the commitments assumed and were absent from this work meeting.

The good news that the necessary climate equipment is already available in the Burns room dissipated tensions and also gave way to the debate on some viable alternatives to replace the cold maintenance machine in the Food Store and the motor of one of the 55-kilogram washers in the laundry, where it is operated today with a better technical situation.

Regarding the Ophthalmological Center, on the eve of the celebrations of its tenth anniversary, an exhaustive evaluation of its constructive conditions was agreed to assign it, consequently, a budget that allows supporting the work due to its extension and architecture.