The 41st anniversary of the Morón Rooster Sculpture is celebrated

With the traditional serenade, the people celebrated, in the early hours of this May 2, the 41st anniversary of the replacement of the sculpture of Morón Rooster, representative of the culture and identity of that city located in the north of the province of Ciego de Ávila.

A duo of trumpeters announced the new birthday of the symbol by interpreting Las Mañanitas, by the Mexican Antonio Aguilar, while other artists from the patio also exhibited their talent, including the popular singer Dayani Gutiérrez, who was in charge of closing the show.

Celia María López Reyes, president of the Municipal Assembly of People's Power, officially inaugurated the week of Morón culture, for which activities are planned to promote different manifestations of art in the town.

The Rooster is based on a Spanish legend from colonial times, with new decorations since the 1950s, when the idea of ​​erecting a monument to the animal was promoted, but the popular project was hidden by local politicians, who used it to declare the dictator Fulgencio Batista, Adoptive Son of the city.

When the Revolution triumphed, the presence of the Rooster was objected to by some residents, who in the early morning of February 6, 1960 tore it from its location and deposited it on the road, appreciating it as an icon of the Batista dictatorship.

In the following days it was placed and deposed from its pedestal on several occasions, until it was totally destroyed; not so the love and nostalgia of the inhabitants of the territory for that identity sign.

The desire of the people of Morón materialized on May 2, 1982, with the placement of a new sculpture, the work of the artists Rita Longa and Armando Alonso (the latter also a sculptor of the former), modeled in bronze.

In the period 2021-2022, the monument to the Gallo de Morón underwent a capital repair that restored its splendor and the traditional song that expresses the spirit of struggle in the defense of sovereignty, in addition to constituting a revolutionary and socialist symbol of the city, as referred to by the commemorative plaque located in the place on May 2, 1982.