Universities of Sotavento and Ciego de Ávila strengthen collaboration

As part of its internationalization strategy that seeks to raise academic and scientific quality, the Máximo Gómez Báez University of Ciego de Ávila (UNICA) continues to strengthen relations of cooperation and collaboration with prestigious teaching centers in Latin America to promote teaching and academic exchange, purpose with which a delegation from the University of Sotavento (US), Coatzacoalcos, belonging to the state of Veracruz, in Mexico, came to the alma mater in Ciego de Ávila.

As the house of higher studies announced on its profile on the social network Facebook, the exchange group is made up of 14 students and the general director of the Faculty of Nursing of the aforementioned Aztec institution, who throughout this week participate, together with professors from UNICA, in academic activities planned to be developed in the Faculty of Physical Culture. Similarly, the program of activities includes visits to historical sites in the province and health institutions.

This Tuesday, the delegation arrived at the Provincial General Teaching Hospital Doctor Antonio Luaces Iraola, where, in addition to exchange with the medical staff and managers to find out details about the hospital care they provide there, they delivered a donation with medicines, expendable material and other supplies.

The social networks on the Internet echoed the meeting, in which, along with the exchange of knowledge, words of gratitude arrived in response to a gesture of solidarity that will help maintain the vitality of the medical services in this hospital institution, in times where material deficiencies make them more complex.

Likewise, it is expected that the university group will learn about the work of the Henry Reeve International Medical Brigade, the strategies implemented to confront Covid-19 and the vaccination program.

In the words of the teacher Adela Martínez Perry, general director of the Faculty of Nursing of the University of Sotavento, based on the collaboration agreement that exists between both centers, this trip consolidates the desire to visit the land of Ciego de Ávila and one of its most important academic institutions, as well as to share and learn about the experiences that make Cuba a first world country in disease prevention.

For her part, the Mexican Nursing student, Marta Patricia, valued as positive an experience that has allowed her to get to know Cuba, its culture and the facility that its people have to, despite the scarcity of resources, get ahead.

For more than 20 years, UNICA and the US have maintained academic relations in order to exchange advice on master's programs, doctorates and institutional accreditation processes, an objective that was ratified in September of last year when the collaboration agreement between the two was renewed. universities.

Just to cite an example of its scope, the academic plan of the Faculty of Physical Education of the Aztec house of higher studies is inspired by the Cuban education model, which has been adapted to the needs of Mexico.

Nearing its 45th anniversary, the University of Ciego de Ávila has signed nearly 200 agreements, between assets and liabilities, with academic institutions in more than 20 countries, in Latin America and Europe. The first of which there is a record dates from 1991.