Ciego de Ávila`s people dressed as Homeland

And today, which is not the May 1, but it is May 5, Ciego de Ávila`s people dressed as homeland as if it were the first day of the fifth month of the year, accustomed to going out into the streets, not to ask, to claim; rather, to share triumphs and make their way by walking and overcoming impediments or the occasional setback such as failure to grow in the economy at the predicted rates, defaults in the harvest and having companies with losses.

These are the realities that are impossible to hide, as the many efforts to fulfill and others that have already been accomplished.

Because there are results, not those that the people of Ciego de Ávila would like, but there is zero in infant mortality in children under one year of age during the first quarter (although now it is a little higher), only seven companies with losses, when last year the number was over 20.

I saw happy people in the parade, the same ones who went to work in Pinar del Río when Hurricane Ian hit the sister territory, the same ones who later arrived, added to others, and repaired hospitals, polyclinics, schools, or the support of thousands of workers to the voluntary work days so that the heartbeat of Ciego de Avila continues to be useful, a source of joy.

I saw students, workers, combatants; I saw that worker who was very ill and, having recovered a bit, called the boss and asked him to take him to the parade. In addition, on the wheelchair I saw him go by with a Cuban flag held high.

My people dressed as Homeland. The streets and the square were full of joy and a large majority passed by and greeted those who were in the stands, also dressed and infected with the people: Jorge Luis Perdomo Di-Leya, Deputy Prime Minister, Humberto Camilo Hernández, Head of the Department of Cadre Policy of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and Liván Izquierdo Alonso, first secretary of the PCC in Ciego de Ávila, among other leaders.

One observes, tries to see everything so that they don't tell you, to write the truth and to be certain of how much falsehood is transmitted by some other social network or that press that minimizes and ignores how much humane and charitable is done in Cuba.

In some chats I read that whoever does not go to the parade will be fired from the workplace, analyzed in the ranks of the Party nucleus (Communist of Cuba!, of course). A certain criminal newspaper, full of hate and lies, had already published a false and lying headline: Parade canceled due to gasoline shortage while report highlights labor violations in Cuba.

In the street, among the crowd, is where the feelings of my people can be felt, the dreams of my people, impossible to measure by those who do not understand that being Cuban means, in addition to playing dominoes and knowing how to dance well, marching together, facing enormous challenges and, above all, stand up and not give up.

A group of men and women with musical instruments (Bongó, Güiros, Yembé and Timbales, many Timbales) passes in front of the gallery. The conga sounds loud, loud and louder. Moreover, they get lost in the crowd. The Cuban workers party is so spontaneous that it is hard to believe.