Solution of approaches is prioritized in Ciego de Ávila

That the defendants offer an effective response to the pending proposals with a real possibility of a solution is a purpose that presides over the work of the Municipal Assembly of People's Power in Ciego de Ávila, in view of the coming process of accountability of the delegate to his voters.

Ciego de Ávila closed 2022 with 82.5 percent of the population's proposals solved, a result that should be highlighted taking into account the worsening of the economic and energy crisis during the past year.

The authorities of the territory prioritize the analyzes on a case-by-case basis, with the presence of the organizations involved, representatives of the entities that sponsor the respective popular councils and deputy mayors, according to the details of Yaima Guerrero Muirt, vice president of the People's Power Assembly in that instance.

Under this strategy, at least a hundred of the concerns formally expressed in previous accounts, the main way to present complaints from the population, could find a favorable channel in the first half of this year, taking into account that they do not require the use of resources, today scarce or unavailable in the province, Guerrero Muirt indicated.

There were 5,672 proposals formulated in said assemblies during the previous mandate period, of which 4,134 were resolved (72.9 percent), but another 1,438 demanded the use of means, parts and energy resources, among others, limited, in deficit state or absent in the territory.

The largest number of dissatisfactions still unresolved, totally or partially, refers to the systematic collection of solid waste and the construction of spillways.

In this regard, Rafael Valdés Céspedes, in charge of the Municipal Directorate of Communal Services, pointed out that it is expected to soon have two tractors (today without front tires) to reinforce the collection of garbage in the popular councils Roberto Rivas Fraga and Ángel Alfredo Pérez, who exhibit the most complex panorama in the provincial capital.

In the remainder of 2023, it is planned to build another 14 spillways, but the contribution of residents is needed, who sometimes deposit waste outside the limits of these spaces, each of which implies a state outlay of 125,000 pesos, added the manager.

Although they work with an annual budget reduction of 3.7 million pesos compared to 2022, Valdés Céspedes explains that they disaggregated the proposals of the accountability processes of the previous mandate period by communal areas and, in conjunction with the popular councils and delegates, determine priorities.

In the collection of waste, as well as in the creation of spillways, all the Popular Councils have benefited from the contribution of other entities that support with means of transport under their control and in construction work.

Other situations that cover a considerable number of approaches involve entities of Roads, Aqueduct and Sewerage, and Hydraulic Resources.

The XVII mandate period included accountability processes of the delegate to their constituents, carried out in 2018, 2019 and the third, after an additional wait, due to the impact of COVID-19 in the country, carried out in 2021. It is still not informed the date of the upcoming process, the first of the current mandate period, has been reported, but it is obvious that it will take place this year.

Law 132 of 2019 (Law_132-19_Organizac._y_Funcionam._de_AMPP_y_CP) on the organization and operation of the Municipal Assemblies of Popular Power and of the Popular Councils establishes in its article 90.2 that, in the accountability of the delegate to his voters, the latter "They can present proposals or problems related to existing situations in their community, which are received and processed in accordance with the corresponding procedure or are resolved with popular participation."