Esteban Lazo heads parliamentary visit to Ciego de Ávila

The President of the Cuban Parliament and of the Council of State Esteban Lazo Hernández heads the first parliamentary visit of the X Legislature of the National Assembly of People's Power in Ciego de Ávila.

Of the eleven Permanent Commissions that this body has, eight were activated in this central province from June 14 to 17.

Upon his arrival, he was received by Liván Izquierdo Alonso, a member of the Communist Party's Provincial Committee and its first secretary in the territory, and Governor Alfre Menéndez Pérez.

As the first point on the agenda, Lazo Hernández exchanged with workers from the Jardines del Rey International Airport, which was also attended by the deputies Tamara Valido Benítez, president of the Services Attention Commission; and Marta Hernández Romero, coordinator of the parliamentary commissions; and Iyolexis Correa Lorenzo, delegate of the Ministry of Tourism in Ciego de Ávila.

Mario Antonio Hernández Rivero, director of the UEB Cayo Coco Airport, explained that this facility receives around 24 weekly flights and, to date, 331,242 passengers have passed through here.

Meanwhile, the head of the Cuban Parliament was interested in the attention and salary of the workers, the income obtained by this entity, the social commitment with the community and the province in general, the fight against crime and, especially, about the relationship of the collective with the delegate of the People's Power, the popular council and if they have already rendered their account to the Municipal Assembly.

Later, he met with the personnel of the Customs of the territory, of the Cuba Catering S.A. Company and the Cuban Air Navigation Company (ECNA by its Spanish initials), who urged them to continue facing the current challenges and problems with creativity, to increase productivity, and thus contribute to the economic and social development of the country.

Likewise, the youngest made several proposals to face the national inflationary situation, increase the quality of services and reduce high prices, among other issues. In the useful debate, Esteban Lazo insisted that the key to overcome the challenges will always be the unity of the people and urged us to keep in mind the greatness of our work and to continue contributing every day to its growth.

At the close of this information, Esteban Lazo Hernández was exchanging with workers from the Genetic Livestock Company of Turiguanó and community leaders such as delegates and CDR members.Mr. Lazo, also President of the Council of State, was interested in the main socioeconomic indicators of the livestock emporium, as well as the level of solutions to the historical approaches of the voters of the community.

Until June 17, the parliamentary delegation will develop an intense program of activities in the municipalities of Baraguá, Ciego de Ávila, Ciro Redondo, Majagua, Morón and Venezuela.