Cuban railways prepare their summer itinerary

The railway in Cuba prepares its summer itinerary, thanks to innovative management in the workshops, which will allow the restart and expansion of some services.

Among the routes that are incorporated, the general director of the Union of Railways of Cuba, Luis Roberto Rosés, mentioned to the Caribbean Channel the one of the train Havana-Sancti Spíritus, Havana-Batabanó, Havana-San Antonio and the train that provides services to the beaches in the Guanabo area.

In addition, the Havana-Artemisa service is maintained and, in Pinar del Río, the train that runs to Guane will modify its route to bring the inhabitants closer to the beach.

In the design of the summer programming, departures that will connect the territories of the center of the country are also foreseen.

Rosés reported that the Cienfuegos-Santa Clara service will be restored on weekends and the other regular ones will be maintained. In addition, the Morón-Camagüey train will be incorporated, which is in great demand.

Other services that will be restored are Las Tunas-Holguín, Santiago de Cuba-Manzanillo and the Guantánamo-Holguín route will be increased.

National trains will continue with their usual schedule, with the addition of extra departures to respond to massive transportation by ministries and organizations, said the general director of the Union of Cuban Railways.

He also said that work must continue to increase the comfort and quality of services on trains and stations, which are still far from the parameters that the population deserves.

This is the cheapest means that reaches all provinces. Given the deficit in other modalities of national transportation, the railway system bets on the summer, in order, even with limited resources, to transport the largest possible number of passengers.