Ciro Redondo, worthy venue for a July 26

The member of the Political Bureau of the PCC and general secretary of the Federation of Cuban Women, Teresa Amarelle Boué; Vice Prime Minister Jorge Luis Perdomo Di-Lella; the Minister of Labor and Social Security, Marta Elena Feitó; the Minister of Communications, Mayra Arevich Marín, and other national and provincial authorities presided over the commemorative act in Ciro Redondo.

When this Monday, Liván Izquierdo Alonso, a member of the Central Committee of the PCC and its first secretary in Ciego de Ávila, quoted the words that Fidel pronounced, precisely in this province, almost 22 years ago, the phrase —although conclusive— gave him a point of departure to outline his Moncadista speech on an allegorical date.

"The dark clouds that can be seen on the horizon of the world today will not prevent us Cubans from continuing to work tirelessly on our marvelous social and cultural programs, aware that we are carrying out a human task unparalleled in history," Fidel and now recalled Liván Izquierdo, who, by the way, recognized that "we have worked without wasting a day in schools, hospitals, vulnerable communities..."

"Works of collective interest that have responded to approaches about hydraulic networks, roads, clinics." In them, he said, the idea of ​​uniting and winning has prevailed.

All of this has happened in the midst of a complex current situation from which we will emerge, he assured, because "history has shown that new eras have always emerged from the deep crises of any dominant system", in direct allusion to another phrase of the Commander in Chief.

Hence, the highest partisan leader in the territory pointed out how the people try to overcome adversities every day and have made an effort in economic, political and social development, concentrating, for example, on net sales, profits and exportable funds.

These and other results earned Ciro Redondo his status as the venue for the provincial festivities for July 26, where he was also awarded the distinction of Latir Avileño during the recent stage; a distinctive that reached almost 60 provincial and municipal entities, as well as prominent territories.

The occasion was also opportune to recognize the newspaper Invasor, which reaches its 44th anniversary this July 26, journalists awarded in national competitions and reporters with long standing and work in the union, who received the commemorative medal for the 60th Anniversary of the Union of Cuban journalists.

Minutes before, the tribute came to the hands of young people incorporated as of today into the ranks of the Union of Young Communists and those of the Party. And although Keylin González Valera would not be one of the newly released, her words, on behalf of the youth of Pino, paid tribute to History.

Ciro Redondo, a participant in the Moncada deed, has bequeathed them more than the name of his homeland. "We have the commitment to continue defending the values ​​of our heroes and to build a more just society," said the lawyer in the prelude to an act that began by singing "Dear Cuba, the land of my loves" and concluded with another song. , more local, which brought the attendees to their feet. The Avilanian Latir by Arnaldo Rodríguez and his Talismán, sung on the track Joven, one of the works that was retouched this July, prior to the 70th anniversary of the assault on the Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes barracks.