Before the triumph of Cuban Revolution in 1959, there was no experience in the fields of territorial planning, regardless of the fact that at least certainapproach towards urban planning already existed in many countries.

In 1955 the National Planning Board was founded, which covered economic activity and attempted a physical analysis. But this institution dedicated its efforts to the projection of plans that had no other purpose than to loot and organize natural resources, with the onlyaim of profit. The difference between the country and the city was more and more pronounced.

In the early years, the Cuban Revolution made great efforts to eradicate these territorial contradictions. At this stage, the physical planning activity corresponded to a department of the Ministry of Construction.

In 1960, Physical Planning was born as an Institute, conceived for the rational ordinance of territories. Its goals are aimed at improving the living conditions of the population.

Physical Planning in Ciego de Ávila began in the 1960s with two fundamental activities: Land Registry and Urban Planning, directed from the province of Camagüey. In 1962, the Cuban Institute of Geodesy and Cartography merged in its Cadastral activity with the Department of Physical Planning, bringing together a group of colleagues who face the beginnings of the territorial reorganization of agricultural activity and collaborating with the implementation of the Agrarian Reform Law.

In 1976, there was a change to a new Political-Administrative division where Ciego de Ávila became a province and consequently the Provincial Directorate of Physical Planning (DPPF by its Spanish initials) was officially created.

Since then, this Provincial and Municipal Directorates have been dedicated to direct, regulate, carry out and control land-use and urban planning.