María Félix, a person every day more necessary

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María Félix, cada día más necesaria

When you look at her, you immediately feel that you are in front of a woman who does not lie or mask the truths. Right now, if you ask me what I admire the most about her, without hesitation I would say: "Her full confidence". She could pass for an introvert person if it were not for that capacity for open dialogue, loaded with wisdom, modesty and sincerity, which can be endless, because María Félix Arocha Hernández always has something to say, and when she begins to speak, she has no time to stop, according to her own words.

In the month of September, she will reach 27 years of practice as a Prosecutor, and sometimes she feels that she is just beginning to work in that job that, more than being part of her life, is her life itself. December 23, 2020, it was one of those days. Loving hands placed the toga on her, in a symbolic act, and she could not help but feel the same sensation as that first day at work.

What work does she currently perform in the Provincial Prosecutor's Office?

“I am part of the Department of Family Protection and Jurisdictional Affairs. I attend the civil and family matters that are processed in the Provincial Court in this case in the Civil, Administrative, Labor and Economic Chamber that have this level of competence and I also attend criminal reviews on occasions when requested by citizens, once the sanction is finalized. In the same way, I work as supervisor of the activity of the Department".

Immersed in the framework of the review of cases that in the municipalities constitute appeals and in which the prosecutors at that level were part, María Félix knows that there is a high commitment, since she participates on behalf of the State.

Is the supervision activity also a training activity?

“With those prosecutors who are in the municipalities, through supervision, we carry out a work of exchange and transmission of our experience, which also constitutes an action of improvement and advice and it remains as teaching material. We execute opinions of the processes in order to achieve a higher quality in the intervention of prosecutors in matters of this nature, which are generally related to vulnerable sectors: women, children, the elderly.

The sensitive and fair woman who professionally develops in the Prosecutor's Office is not at all different from the loving and understanding mother, who proudly talks about her only daughter, a doctor in stomatology, and her younger brothers, who find in her the cornerstone of the family, after the absence of parents, those who consider decisive in their formation as a person.

What does her family mean to María Félix?

“From my parents I learned the value of keeping the family together and that unity I have been determined to maintain. They were decisive for the results that I have obtained as a person and we owe them what we are. I went through very difficult times, during their illness, however, I did not lack the support of that other family, for me also indispensable, the Prosecutor's Office, which I arrived at when I was 23 years old and I am almost 50. With my colleagues I counted to recover from the loss of my mom and dad. They have always been there, attentive, pending, as I say, with open arms”.

This woman with Chinese eyes, with her slow talk, evokes decisive and emotional moments. She declares her conviction of her fidelity to the Revolution and she feels proud to be Cuban. She does not conceive of her life outside the Office of the Prosecutor, an institution of decisive action in momentous moments such as those in the country, to which she owes herself body and soul.

When her colleagues are asked about this Ciego de Ávila`s woman, they consider her exquisite, a true “specialist in her specialty”, ready to pass on all the arsenal of knowledge that she possesses. With it, it is essential to count, and not "up to one or even two" ...

Saying María Félix, in the Prosecutor's Office, is the maximum.