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    Eclectic style building built between 1925 and 1930. It has great architectural and environmental value. It retains almost all the original elements: parapet in balustrade with decorative elements, straight goblet cornice supported on brackets in its length, decorated frieze and smooth architrave, columns with chapiter of compound order. It conserves original hardwood main entrance door with shield supported with figures of animals in relief and modillions.

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    The building was built as Town Hall in 1911, hence its historical, architectural and environmental values. The building, which is located in the main artery of the Historic Center of Ciego de Ávila city, in front of Martí Park, from its origins was used throughout the Colonial stage as a Town Hall and in the revolution stage as the seat of the Municipal and Provincial Assembly of People's Power, then as a library. Currently, it is the municipal Town Hall.