Cabezal Acontecer Elimina el Bloqueo ElMundoDiceNo1

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    Empresa de Construcción y Montaje a buen ritmo en Ciego de Ávila

    The over-compliance of the production of goods and services at 105 percent in the Construction and Assembly Company (Conavil) of Ciego de Ávila is just one of the economic indicators that shows how the entity has redesigned its production strategies to stay afloat and boast a favorable financial situation, despite the deficit of resources and energy carriers.

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    Carriles del esfuerzo

    Thousands and thousands of kilometers are traveled every year by the locomotives of this unit, with the determination not to be defeated by time, difficulties and breakages that appear due to the aging of engines and systems, some with 44 years of operation, such as that of the TGM4 37025, which was recently decommissioned, or the cane transporting cars that are over ¡100 years old! and there they are, with thousands of ailments, but transporting cane in the current harvest.

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    Preparan actividades para etapa veraniega en Ciego de Ávila

    Despite the fuel limitations for transportation and the difficult electrical situation that the province and the country are going through, Ciego de Ávila will seek to make the summer season fun, especially for children, adolescents, and young people, who will be in vacation period. This was revealed in the most recent meeting on recreation at the provincial government headquarters.

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    The amount of money extracted through the Extra Cash service in Ciego de Ávila at the end of April could be translated into ignorance on the part of the clients and workers of the Commerce: 51,250.00 pesos is very little, even more so if we take into account the recent situations with the ATMs. Another piece of information also speaks of immobility: the service has only been implemented in 56 units of the 1,078 scattered throughout the province, the same as a year ago, when we reported on the new procedure.

    Comercio en Ciego de Ávila por ampliar servicio de Caja Extra

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    Although it is recognized for the beauty of its beaches and hotel facilities, the tourist destination Jardines del Rey, located in the keys to the north of the province of Ciego de Ávila, is also one of the most prominent reservoirs of flora and fauna in Cuba, grouping large islets with capacity for abundant plant formations and the feeding of numerous animals.

    Cayo Coco: sol, playa y otras bellezas naturales

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    Unión Eléctrica pronostica afectación de 235 MW para el horario pico nocturno

    The maximum impact of the day was 238 MW, at 10:40 p.m. The availability of the SEN at 07:00 hours is 2,470 MW and the demand is 2,215 MW with the entire SEN with service. During daylight hours, it is estimated that there will be no affectations to the service due to a deficit in generation capacity, although there is a risk of affectation when operating the SEN with low reserve.

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    The Ciego de Ávila`s Heartbeat condition granted by the Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba to municipalities, entities and organizations that comply with important actions and socioeconomic objectives as a boost to the development of the territory, was delivered to the municipality of Morón, at the opening of the parade of workers for May 1.

    Recibe Morón la condición Latir Avileño

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    And today, which is not the May 1, but it is May 5, Ciego de Ávila`s people dressed as homeland as if it were the first day of the fifth month of the year, accustomed to going out into the streets, not to ask, to claim; rather, to share triumphs and make their way by walking and overcoming impediments or the occasional setback such as failure to grow in the economy at the predicted rates, defaults in the harvest and having companies with losses.

     El pueblo avileño vestido de Patria

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    As part of its internationalization strategy that seeks to raise academic and scientific quality, the Máximo Gómez Báez University of Ciego de Ávila (UNICA) continues to strengthen relations of cooperation and collaboration with prestigious teaching centers in Latin America to promote teaching and academic exchange, purpose with which a delegation from the University of Sotavento (US), Coatzacoalcos, belonging to the state of Veracruz, in Mexico, came to the alma mater in Ciego de Ávila.

    Universidades de Sotavento y Ciego de Ávila afianzan colaboración

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    Luis Ernesto de nuevo en el Capablanca

    The Grand Master (GM) Luis Ernesto Quesada (2562) will participate in the 56th Capablanca in Memóriam International Chess Tournament, scheduled to take place from this Wednesday until May 12 at the Habana Libre Hotel.

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    Rosendo Mesías oficial de Resiliencia y Reducción de Riesgo del PNUD en la Mayor de Las Antillas 7

    Due to the experience and recognition in management to reduce disaster risks (DRR) and studies on climate change (ACC), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) includes Cuba among the nations promoting a methodology that it links and incorporates these concepts into policies aimed at socioeconomic progress.

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    Nuevo cable submarino Arimao inició período de prueba

    During the month of April, the new Arimao cable began its trial period, with the operation of a new station. This investment was undertaken by ETECSA and certified according to international standards, which, as a novelty in operation, has a joint operation with the system provider, Lidia Esther Hidalgo Rodríguez, Vice President of Network Operations, confirmed to the press.

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    Etecsa lanza nueva actualización de Transfermóvil

    Etecsa launches a new version V.1.230417 of Transfermóvil with which customers will be able to withdraw cash in CUP from the CUP and USD accounts of the MiTransfer Stock Exchange through the Exchange Houses (CADECA). It also allows you to transfer from the CUP and USD accounts of the MiTransfer Exchange to any bank card.

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    presentación disco rapsodia para mi ciudad 2

    The only phonogram, from Ciego de Ávila, nominated for Cubadisco 2023, Rhapsody for my city, by Master Juan Carlos Corcho Vergara with the Provincial Concert Band, was presented this weekend at the headquarters of the Provincial Committee of the National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC) of Ciego de Avila.

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    At the close of the first half of April ―and with just another 15 days left for the closing of the Campaign for the Affidavit of the Personal Income Tax obtained in 2022―, only 52 percent of the potential taxpayers in the province had complied with this important step in fiscal and tax discipline.

    Último llamado para declaración jurada en Ciego de Ávila

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    Continúan labores constructivas en hospital de Ciego de Ávila

    With 34 construction objects in the middle of the construction process and around eight waiting to start, the Doctor Antonio Luaces Iraola Provincial General Teaching Hospital continues to accelerate the pace of repair and maintenance actions that have been carried out there since last year, with the sponsorship of companies and entities of the territory.

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    Recicladores festejarán con júbilo el Primero de Mayo

    A five-year period with a sustained increase in sales to satisfy demands in the national and international markets is a reason for rejoicing and celebration for the group of the Raw Materials Recovery Company (ERMP) of the province of Ciego de Ávila, immersed in multiple tasks in I salute May 1st.

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    Arnaldo Rodríguez: El agradecimiento necesario

    This April 19, 2023 has been a historic day. Together with valuable colleagues, and consequently with the position for which we have been elected, we have ratified our oath to serve the country, the Constitution, and the defense of the interests of the Cuban people.

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    Como en Girón, ¡seguiremos venciendo!

    Speech delivered by Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic, at the Constitutive Session of the X Legislature of the National Assembly of People's Power, at the Convention Center, on 19 April 2023, "Year 65 of the Revolution."

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    The May 1st parade in the Ciego de Ávila city of Morón will take place along the entire Avenida de Tarafa to the areas near the monument El Gallo, for which the traditional serenade will be dedicated at midnight on May 2, as a prelude to the Week of Morón culture.

    Organizan en Morón  desfile por el Primero de Mayo

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    With 14 blood donations, the day "Arms outstretched to save lives" began this Saturday in the health institution located in the area of ​​Ciego de Ávila, convened by the factors of the Roberto Rivas Fraga popular council and the Antonio Maceo polyclinic center.

    Comienza en Ciego de Ávila jornada de donaciones de sangre

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    El día en que nació nuestro Partido

    “Because what the imperialists cannot forgive us is that we are here, what the imperialists cannot forgive us is the dignity, integrity, courage, ideological firmness, the spirit of sacrifice and the revolutionary spirit of the Cuban people.

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    As a recognition of the pedagogical mastery of educators and the level of successful performance in their work, for the first time the Ministry of Education (Mined) carries out a teacher categorization, a process that is part of the actions for the continuous improvement of the general education system and that in Ciego de Ávila involves 818 teachers.

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    parque nacional jardines de la reina 8

    The Jardines de la Reina National Park (PNJR), located to the south of the provinces of Camagüey and Ciego de Ávila, remains as a safeguard for valuable species of flora and fauna in marine ecosystems, circumstances that favor its status as an aspirant to the category of World Natural Heritage of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

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    condecoraciones sind cultura 1

    Many workers put their hands to production and we touch with our hearts the spirituality of the people to materialize another great May Day for the Homeland, said Katia Rodríguez Ramos, general secretary of the Union of Cultural Workers (SNTC), in the assembly of annual balance of this organization in Ciego de Ávila.

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    Of course, the news is the classification of Los Búfalos for the playoffs of the semifinals of the Superior Basketball League, but it could also be the fact that this Tuesday's 77-74 victory can be described as resulting in the best game of this season in the Giraldo Cordova Cardin ground.

    Búfalos mandan en casa ante Capitalinos

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    The intensity of the Piña Colada, added to its wide spectrum, requires the rest of reason to assess its scope, its achievements and its challenges, since in twenty years of struggling this festival has definitively become enthroned as the most anticipated cultural event by the people of Ciego de Ávila.

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    Latir avileño en 1ro de Mayo

    Workers Union of Cuba and the Associations that represent 119,933 members of the sections of state entities, the private sector and retirees in the province of Ciego de Ávila, carry out various activities in honor of May 1st, International Day of the working class.

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    A scientific study with the use of nuclear technologies certified that the levels of heavy metals and radioactivity in the sands of the beaches of the Jardines del Rey tourist destination, north of Ciego de Ávila, are not harmful to humans or to the species of fauna that they live in that place.

    Estudio confirma seguridad de las playas de Jardines del Rey

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    As he had predicted at the end of the Camagüey-Ciego de Ávila stage, where he was victorious and climbed to the top of the individual general classification of the first bike tour to the central region of the country, the leader of the general classification, Pedro Portuondo, took the grueling stage between Ciego de Ávila and Topes de Collantes (168 km).

    El rey de la vuelta volvió a coronarse en las alturas de Topes

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    En Ciego de Ávila, diputados proponen candidatos para máxima dirección del país

    This Wednesday, in an exercise that further strengthens our democracy and under the provisions of the Electoral Law, the 23 deputies elected on March 26 in Ciego de Ávila submitted to the National Candidacy Commission (CCN) their proposals for who they consider meet the conditions to hold the leadership positions of the National Assembly of People's Power, which coincide with those of the Council of State, as well as for President and Vice President of the Republic of Cuba.