Clouds and rains associated with tropical storm Elsa cover a large part of the archipelago, with the most active areas of drizzles, rains and some electrical storms affecting from Matanzas and Isla de La Juventud to the province of Granma.

The clouds associated with tropical storm Elsa cover the eastern and central regions and even the province of Matanzas.  Power bands are generating heavy drizzles and rains over the eastern half of the country.  At the Cilantro dam, in Pilón, it continued to rain and in just four hours 122 millimeters accumulated, also in the last six hours 92 millimeters accumulated in Cabo Cruz, both locations in the province of Granma.

The clouds associated with tropical storm Elsa cover a large part of the eastern and central regions of Cuba. Bands are generating heavy drizzles and rains over Granma, Las Tunas, Camagüey, Ciego de Ávila and Sancti- Spíritus. In the Cilantro dam, located in Pilón, Granma, a cumulative 66 millimeters was recorded in two hours. Just in 3 hours, 55 millimeters were recorded in Cabo Cruz, Granma and 32 millimeters in Contramaestre, Santiago de Cuba.

The cloud bands of tropical storm Elsa are affecting the eastern region of Cuba as well as the provinces from Sancti Spíritus to Camagüey. In the south eastern portion, sustained winds with tropical storm force have been registered during the morning, between 60 and 70 kilometers per hour, with gusts of up to 90 kilometers per hour.

The cloud bands from Tropical Storm Elsa are affecting the eastern region of Cuba.  In the southeastern portion, sustained winds with tropical storm force have been registered during the morning, between 60 and 70 kilometers per hour, with gusts of up to 90 kilometers per hour.

Peaceful sea in Júcaro in the early hours of the morning this Sunday

In Júcaro, the fishing village to the southern region of Ciego de Ávila most prone to coastal flooding, "the bell has already been rang", which in times of tropical cyclones it means the evacuation of people.

In recent hours, Tropical Storm Elsa has continued moving to the west northwest, now at 20 kilometers per hour, with little change in intensity.  Since the end of the morning, the cloudy areas with strong activity of storms and rains are concentrating around the center.  Its central pressure is 1007 hectoPascal and the maximum sustained winds remain in the order of 100 kilometers per hour.

The network of stations and the Provincial Meteorological Center (CMP by its Spanish initials) of Ciego de Ávila guarantee permanent monitoring of weather variables to keep the population informed and facilitate decision-making by the Defense Council in the presence of tropical storm Elsa that keeps the territory in the Alarm phase.

During this afternoon, Tropical Storm Elsa has remained with little change in organization and intensity, although in the last hours the clouds around the center have increased.  This system has maximum sustained winds of 110 kilometers per hour and higher gusts.  The central pressure has risen slightly to 1000 hectoPascal.

During this morning, Hurricane Elsa has continued to weaken slightly and is now a tropical storm again. It has maximum sustained winds of 110 kilometers per hour, with higher gusts and a central pressure of 999 hectoPascal.

A few days ago, she appeared on Facebook, it was her birthday and the photos published brought back the memory of the helpful neighbor, revelry and with contagious joy, of the community where I resided most of my life. Elsa is one of those people you miss because they know how to leave a mark, due to her simplicity and humility.

The Provincial Defense Council of Ciego de Ávila activated a plan of measures since Friday night with a view to guarantee the protection of human lives and material goods against the possible impacts that the cyclonic organism Elsa can leave as it passes through the territory of Ciego de Ávila.

After the approval in recent days of a new Plan to confront COVID-19 in Cuba, Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz announced the decision to send temporary work commissions to the most complex provinces: Matanzas, Ciego de Ávila, Camagüey, Santiago de Cuba, Pinar del Río and Mayabeque.

Hydraulic resources specialists qualify as strategic the Waste Treatment Plant (PTR by its Spanish initials) of that isle in the north of Ciego de Ávila, in the testing phase of its systems and about to come into operation, for being an elementary pillar in the preservation of the environment and the care of the ecosystem in that area of ​​tourism development.

The Institute of Meteorology reports that tropical depression number five continued to organize and intensify better during the night and early morning, since abundant clouds with numerous activity of drizzles, rains and thunderstorms mantain.

The Temporary Working Group for the prevention and control of the new coronavirus, headed by the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party and President of the Republic of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, approved this Tuesday a new Plan to confront COVID-19 in Cuba, taking into account the complex epidemiological situation in the nation, characterized by high levels of transmission of the disease.

Sixty years have passed since that historic exchange between Fidel and a group of intellectuals (June 16, 23 and 30, 1961), in an environment that Nicolás Guillén, Alejo Carpentier, Alfredo Guevara, Miguel Barnet and other personalities would remember for posterity as of total transparency.

This beginning of the week, if you walk around the Roberto Rodríguez Fernández High School, in Morón, you will be able to see up close what has been bustling in this city since the health intervention was announced on Wednesday: the expectation.

 During the work session of the Temporary Group in charge of articulating and supervising the measures to combat Covid-19, Ania Rosa Francisco Malde, Deputy Governor of Ciego de Ávila, called to redouble efforts and demand in each of the actions that are carrying out by this body and in the same way, she asked to be transmitted in each work center, community and family nucleus, the need to comply with social distancing.


The Ciego de Ávila Electricity Union informs that the effects on the electricity service will continue in the coming days, due to technological limitations in the thermal generation blocks, the units that are under maintenance, the breakdowns that occurred in the last hours and the limitations for the distribution of fuel to generators of distributed generation.

I cannot imagine Cuba in any other place, other than being "crossed" in the Caribbean Sea, at the entrance of the Gulf of Mexico, almost next to the United States, that powerful country that with waste of dislike forces the small island to grow in punishment, for the only fact of choosing the path of sovereignty; for building a Cuban democracy in front of the arrogant one.

The economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed on Cuba by the United States government makes it difficult to repair equipment and tracks to guarantee safety and quality in rail services, Tania Estrella González Sosa, deputy director of the Cuban Central-East Company of Railways, denounced.


A day for dad? Why only one, if I want all of them, even those that I will not be able to live in order to love you, take care of you and protect you as the child that you will always be for me. Yes, the child who makes me understand the paternal instincts of his grandfather, always pending, as if I had not grown up, although now the grandchildren monopolize his attention and generate the greatest concerns.


The Cuban Travel Agency Cubanacán Jardines del Rey, in the province of Ciego de Ávila, ensures compliance with the measures guided by the Cuban government to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, through the sale of tourist packages for the isolation of travelers residing in the national territory that arrive through the international airports of Cayo Coco and Varadero.

With the purpose of reinforcing the control and regulating the use of water, specialists from the Hydraulic Exploitation Company (EAH by its Spanish initials) of this province are going through the final phase of the new contracting system of the service of provision of the liquid to agricultural producers.

With a unique architecture and nestled in a paradisiacal place within the gigantic Eden that is the Jardines del Rey Archipelago, the emblematic Colonial Hotel is presented as an attractive option for travelers residing in Cuba, who arrive through the Cayo Coco international airport, comply your period of isolation in spacious, comfortable rooms with fascinating views.

The Estero Socorro Dike, traversable along the 22 kilometers, is one of the most important works in the Great North Wetland of Ciego de Ávila

Forces belonging to the Hydraulic Resources system completed the repair of the Estero Socorro Dike, Ramsar site since 2002, and one of the works with the greatest impact on the recovery and maintenance of the biodiversity of the Great North Wetland of Ciego de Ávila.

A local development project could return, within a few years and more systematically, the taste of fresh or processed pork to the inhabitants of the municipality of Morón, where the Government, the Biofood Research Center (CIBA by its Spanish initials) and territorial producers, are integrated to achieve food sovereignty and materialize the five kilograms per capita of meat, monthly.

COVID-19 is similar to the Never-Ending story. Do you remember it? An endless story, capable of exasperating. In one year and three months, the Cuban nation has allocated more than 300 million dollars to the fight against the pandemic, whose repeated scourges accentuate the health crisis, triggering the exacerbation of economic and social problems.

This Thursday June 10, the meeting of the Secretarial Work of the Central Committee and political leaders from the Government Office and People Organizations from Ciego de Ávila, headed by the First Secretary and President of the Republic of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermudez, with the goal of analyzing the projections taking into account the guidelines of the 8th Congress of the PCC.

The economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed on Cuba by the United States government limits and increases the cost of the acquisition of technological resources, and makes difficult to access information and exchange with professionals from other countries, workers from the scientific sector in the province of Ciego de Ávila denounced it.

Rafael Pérez Carmenate, delegate of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA by its Spanish initials), emphasized that the imperialist siege forces to make purchases in geographically distant markets, such as Asia, to acquire technology, which leads to an increase in costs per concept freight.

 "The Cuban scientific community has restricted visits to more than 200 sites on the Internet and there are videoconferencing platforms that are prohibited for our country, issues that impede access to knowledge, making difficult to substantiate research and exchange with specialists from other countries", he added.

The pandemic deprived me of the opportunity to see her face while answering my questions, however, in the audios sent by WhatsApp I could feel her voice, taken by passion when talking about Tina Modotti, another of the "ways" to get to Mella, if not the other way around, judging from her own words.

Works in the West sector of Playa Norte, in Paredón Grande Cay

Playa Norte, on the Paredón Grande Cay, has received more than 43,000 cubic meters of sand to date, with total restoration of the morphological parameters in the first 235 linear meters of that site, where specialized forces and Cuban scientists carry out one of the actions most important in the country in favor of the Life Task.

A look at the government services oriented from the internet, to facilitate the request for attention and issuance of necessary documents to the population for certain processes, constituted the online seminar given this Friday to representatives of the Provincial Government of People's Power of the province of Ciego de Ávila, through the Jitsi videoconferencing platform.

Next Monday, June 7, new measures to restrict movement and epidemiological control will come into force in order to reinforce physical isolation in the municipality of Morón and the capital town, because of the probability of a new outbreak and the worsening of the epidemiological situation in the province of Ciego de Ávila caused by COVID-19.

The Raw Materials Recovery Company (ERMP by its Spanish initials) of the province of Ciego de Ávila ensures the availability of glass containers for food, beverage and drug processing entities, and glass fibers for the manufacture of industrial products.

Thrilling and compelling. This is how he looked again during the opening, work and closing sessions of the 8th Congress of the PCC. Yes, no one had any doubt that the words expressed on April 16, 2021, were the result of the conviction that does not abandon him: “(…) as long as I live I will be ready with my foot on the stirrup to defend the homeland, the Revolution and socialism stronger than ever ”That's him.

Part of the route of the new conductor is through a rough terrain (Photo: Ortelio)

The new pipeline under construction from the largest drinking water storage tank, on the island of Turiguanó, to the area known as La Bandera, located in the south of Cayo Coco, is among the largest projects related to the completion of the hydraulic infrastructure of the wide tourist region, in the north of Ciego de Ávila.

“The North American government voted against the approval of the Mi Costa project, supported by the Green Climate Fund to increase the capacity for adaptation and resilience of 1.3 million people in population settlements located in more than 1,300 kilometers of the southern coast of the Island, including the town of Júcaro, in the province of Ciego de Ávila”, Rafael Pérez Carmenate, delegate of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA by its Spanish initials) in the province of Ciego de Ávila, denounced.

The infrastructural and technological development, planned until 2030, will allow the Industrial Fishing Company of the province of Ciego de Ávila (EPIVILA by its Spanish initials) the sustained increase in the production of fish and their derivatives, with the aim of contributing to the food security of the population.

The bottle wash represented a saving of 23 000 euros for the Ciego de Ávila`s Raw Materials Recovery Company.


Despite the obsolescence of the machinery and the limitations imposed by the US blockade, the Raw Materials Recovery Company of the province of Ciego de Ávila maintains high technical availability, as a result of the work carried out by the movement of innovators and rationalizers.

In the midst of a complex epidemiological situation and in view of the proximity of the hurricane season, the exercise dubbed Meteoro 2021 is carried out, on its 35th anniversary, to strengthen the capacity to face natural, technological and health disasters, fundamentally the response to the COVID-19 pandemic and arboviruses.

Cuban Vice President Salvador Valdés Mesa visited in this province advanced producers in the livestock branch, areas of the Zaza-Ciego de Ávila canal, the Ciegoplast company and the only mini-industry in the territory specialized in the production of coconut candy, important committed stablishments with the development of the territory and the country.

The population of the city of Ciego de Ávila is informed that, after the recovery in the generation of electricity and the criteria of the Forecast Center of the Institute of Meteorology, it is planned for this Tuesday, May 25 at 5:00 a.m. the beginning of the works for the rehabilitation of the Hydraulic Loop which will last until May 30 at 12:00 p.m., for which the water supply service to the City of Ciego de Ávila will be paralyzed, therefore the population must take all storage and saving measures until the work is completed.

For eleven years, it has been monopolizing the attention of children, adolescents, youth and adults in the Ciego de Ávila Zoo Park Complex. It is not about a week or two, so it is still news that the giraffe Felix traveled on a journey of more than 400 kilometers this Wednesday, to the National Zoological Park, located in the Cuban capital.

Food sovereignty and nutritional education are priorities defined by the Cuban government in the economic and social development plan until 2030, Reina de la Caridad Torres Pérez and Rafael Pérez Carmenate, deputies and members of the Agri-Food Commission of the National Assembly of the Popular Power, ratified.

The Moncada program became a strategic and tactical guide in the vertiginous process of the country's socioeconomic transformations. Just two months after assuming power, the revolutionary government proclaimed different measures with the aim of rescuing national sovereignty, eliminating underdevelopment and establishing social equality.

The population of the city of Ciego de Ávila is informed that due to the electricity generation situation that temporarily crosses the country, an issue that does not allow our users to store as much water as possible to face the supply deficit that will be produced by the interruption of the pumping; it was decided by the highest political and government authorities as well as the INRH (by its Spanish initials) in the province; suspend the rehabilitation works in the Skirted Hydraulic Loop and areas of the South of the City that were planned to be carried out as of next Tuesday, May 18.

The progressive increase of the Nauta Hogar service in the municipality of Morón responds to the political will to advance in the process of computerization of society, in order to promote the massive and orderly use of Information and Communication Technologies (TICs by its Spanish initials) in daily life.

The population of the city of Ciego de Ávila is informed that, due to large-scale and complex rehabilitation works in the Skirted Hydraulic Loop and southern areas of the City, the water distribution cycles in all the areas of the provincial capital will be affected.

The anti-Covid-19 vaccine preparations registered by the World Health Organization (WHO), including those of Cuban origin, contribute to the strengthening of the immune system, but they do not prevent the spread of the disease, therefore, it is necessary to maintain hygienic-sanitary measures.

A meeting of the Computerization Group took place at the provincial headquarters of the Government of Ciego de Ávila. It was led by Engineer Andrés Pino Pérez, Coordinator of Industry Programs and Objectives, the MSc. Viviano Moyano Trujillo, director of the Territorial Office of Control of the Ministry of Communications and Duniesky Dorta Pina, President of the Union of Informatics of Cuba, in this province, with the aim of analyzing the progress of the Electronic Commerce and Government programs in the territory.

In the implementation of government strategies and compliance with the decisions of the Defense Council to contain the contagion and spread of Covid-19, the workers of the Security and Protection Agency (SEPROC by its Spanish initials) in the municipality of Morón, pending compliance with the hygienic-sanitary measures in the economic and social objectives under their custody.

José Alberto, on the right, together with José Ramón Monteagudo Ruiz, member of the Secretariat and head of the Agrifood department in the Central Committee of the Party, and Rafael Santiesteban Pozo, national president of ANAP (Photo: Osval)

After listening to the debates in the VIII Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, and being part of themselves as a delegate to the meeting, José Alberto González Sánchez, a peasant with a soul attached to the earth almost from his birth, is one of those who believes in the urgent need of the Ordering Task.

I confess that in 12 years of journalistic practice I never requested an interview so much or carried out so many coordination with a source (if it is valid to use the term in this case) to write about a so analysed matter in these times, due to its importance, as local development is.

The wave amplifier has restored vitality to the inner lagoon..


The wave amplifier built in the Jardines del Rey tourist destination has a positive impact on the recovery of the inland lagoon near the Colonial, Tryp Cayo Coco and Iberostar Mojito hotels, by maintaining stable conditions in that coastal ecosystem.

The COVID-19 pandemic took away the illusion and color of the traditional parade, but it accentuated the courage and resistance of working people to face numerous challenges in the midst of a global health crisis, which involves economic difficulties and the aggravation of political contradictions.

Today, Jorge Luis Tapia Fonseca, deputy prime minister of Cuba, highlighted in this city the incentive that the new measures approved by the government represent to boost food production and that stimulate the exploitation of productive reserves.

Tapia Fonseca led a training seminar that became fruitful exchange with producers in the territory about the benefits that the measures that are aimed at eliminating obstacles and speeding up marketing procedures, will bring.


"We have two supreme commitments: to do more and better things done so far, and to be loyal to the legacy of the historical generation", these were the words of Governor Tomás Alexis Martín Venegas in front of the workers of the provincial headquarters of the Government of Popular Power in Ciego de Ávila, after his participation as a delegate to the 8th Congress of the PCC.

Coco, as he is known since his nurse "baptized" him, is the nickname of Julio de Armas Castillo, a prototype of a Cuban peasant, with the wisdom to cultivate the land and surprising communication skills that he attributes to his training as a Sound Technician and the performance as a singer, percussionist and composer.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba elected Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez as its First Secretary. The last day of the party meeting where the new Central Committee, the Political Bureau and the Secretariat of the party organization were announced began at 10:00 o´clock in the morning, at the Havana Convention Center.

The Store in Freely Convertible Currency (MLC by its Spanish initials) of the Agricultural Supplies Company of the province of Ciego de Ávila (ESACA by its Spanish initials) contributes to guarantee the resources for the cold and spring planting campaigns in the Agroindustrial companies: D Cballos, Integral and Genetics Livestock Turiguanó.

This April 16, 2021, the moral strength and vitality of the political vanguard of Cuban society has been felt, from the opening day of the VIII Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba until the subsequent working sessions in the three constituted commissions.